If you’re recruiting and get a resume that looks like it’s from a unicorn, you might get really excited. This person looks like exactly what you’ve been looking for plus more than you dreamed of! But beware. It might just be too good to be true. The University of Utah is finding this out the …
When Performance Issues Mix with FMLA
FMLA can be a tricky topic in and of its own. But when you’ve got a mixture of performance issues and FMLA going on, things get complicated quickly. This recent post from Reddit is a great example: While this employee knows she’s had performance issues, everything now is all jumbled up. It’s hard to tell …
Applying CDC “No Mask” Guidelines at Work
Last week, the CDC issued new mask guidelines that got everyone excited. Fully vaccinated people no longer have to wear masks or social distance unless required by other rules in place (federal or local laws, business policies, etc.). There are a few caveats. For example, masks are still required in airports and on public transportation. …
How to Think About the Push to Return to Work
It’s becoming a regular topic in organizations of all types and sizes – when are employees coming back onsite? After over a year of many employees working remotely, there’s a growing push to return onsite. Some reasons are related to data and science – vaccines are available to anyone 16 years of age and older …
Great Reason to Provide PTO for Getting Vaccinated
Looking for another great reason to offer your employees PTO for getting vaccinated? Now, you can get tax credits for it! As of May 3, the CDC reports that over 56% of U.S. adults have received at least one dose of the COVID vaccines (the chart updates daily). This is great news for everyone as …
How to Effectively Address Employee Tattling
Reddit has become the place for all kinds of questions! I saw this question posted, and it immediately reminded me of some situations I’ve encountered before. Sound familiar? Issues like this come up from time to time in any organization. For me, besides the fact that this made me want to go watch The Office, …
Steps to Prevent Financial Abuse in a Nonprofit
The COO of Somerville Homeless Coalition in Massachusetts allegedly embezzled $108,000 over the course of 18 months around 2014-2015, according to an article in The Boston Globe. He reportedly used the company credit card for personal expenses and added his adult son to the nonprofit’s group health insurance. The embezzlement was discovered when he increased …
Keep Working Mothers from Leaving
Over 2.3 million women have left the labor force (through layoffs or by choice) since the pandemic began, according to the National Women’s Law Center. While women have been in a lot of the jobs that experienced layoffs, many of them chose to leave due to family needs. In fact, the number of women who …
Lessons from the Amazon Union Vote
(Update April 9 with election results: Once the votes were counted, the majority of the votes were opposed to unionization. 5,800 employees were eligible to vote. 3,215 ballots were cast, with 1,798 against the union and 738 for the union. This doesn’t include 500 challenged ballots, but they don’t have to be counted since that …
How Does COVID Vaccination Change the Workplace?
In the words of Hamilton, “I am not throwin’ away my shot!” As more and more people get vaccinated each day, hope rises higher and higher. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel! As the eligibility for vaccines widens, more and more of your employees are hopefully getting their vaccines. So, you’re probably …