Striving for thriving. This is a phrase that’s been on my mind a lot over the last few weeks. How do I become a person who thrives? It’s easy to end up with a lot of things that weigh us down. To feel stress and overwhelm, even sometimes from things that started out good. When I first left my corporate job, one of the things I was most excited about was having breakfast and lunch with Katherine each day. Now, 2 years later and with 2 kids, meals can be a stress-point. I still love mealtime itself, but the meal planning, cooking, and cleanup can get overwhelming.
I’m finding this concept to be true with so many areas of life. Dynamics can start out healthy and then turn out unhealthy. I loved my corporate job at first, but by the end, I was burned out. I love being a mom, and I can also find myself stressed and exhausted (there have been a lot of adjustments with having 2 kids now). And as life continues to bring change, I can either embrace it and grow with it, or I can be negative and get stuck.
For me, I’m finding that my mindset plays a huge role in this. Circumstances and the actions of others certainly can play a role. However, a lot of that is outside of my control. What is within my control is myself – how I respond to situations and what I allow in my mind and heart. Because what’s in my mind and heart will determine so much about my experience.
That’s where “striving for thriving” has come in for me. Taking care of my mind and heart so that I’m intentionally trying to thrive each day in whatever the circumstances may be. Not just exist or go through motions or drudge through – even in those tasks that are mundane – but really thrive. And with May being Mental Health Awareness Month, it’s the perfect time to talk about this!
I’d love for you to join me in being really intentional with our mindsets so that we thrive in our circumstances, whatever those may be. Here are some ways I’m finding make a big difference in becoming a person who thrives:
This post is sponsored by Pure Hypnosis.
Limit Social Media to Positive Influences
We’re increasingly aware of the potentially detrimental impacts of social media. And with more and more content out there, there are so many ways to be influenced. As I’m scrolling through, it sometimes seems like everyone is complaining or criticizing. If that’s what I allow into my life, then that’s how I’m going to start feeling too. As active as I try to be on social media, I try to be mindful of the influences I allow into my life. If I realize that someone’s content makes me have a negative outlook, then I remove that person. And I try to make sure that I’m publishing positive content too!
On that note, I also have to limit my time on social media. If I’m finding myself jealous of someone else’s circumstances or that I’m starting to think of everything in terms of “how can I make this into a post,” then I put down my phone and focus on the life in front of me.
Remove Things that Over-Complicate Life
I’m always looking to get rid of stuff (just ask my husband!). Clean and neat makes me feel relaxed. And this is as true with physical stuff as with mental or emotional stuff. The less baggage the better. It seems the more life we live, the more weighed down we can become. So, I do my best to sort through areas of my life that need some cleaning up. Mend broken relationships, establish boundaries, reduce mom guilt – whatever is needed.

Sometimes, it’s hard to do this on our own. That’s why there are professionals! And Pure Hypnosis | Sean Wheeler is a great example. He’s a hypnotherapist here in the Atlanta area who has performed over 13,000 sessions since 2003, so I’m pretty sure he’s seen it all. From addiction and eating disorders to anxiety and procrastination, he offers therapy for a wide variety of issues. With summer approaching, weight loss is on the minds of a lot of people, and he even offers hypnosis for weight loss near Atlanta.
Sleep and Eat
Never underestimate the power of being well-rested and well-fed! Seriously, as a mom of a toddler and a baby, this makes all the difference! Getting enough rest helps me feel more positively about the day ahead. And staying nourished keeps me going. There’s no way I can take good care of myself or those around me if I’m not getting these things.
Renew Spiritually
This is one of the hardest for me in the busyness of our current season of life. But I notice a huge difference when I set aside time to renew spiritually. Even if it’s just a few minutes reading my Bible or praying as I’m getting ready for the day, it puts me in a healthier mindset. This also reminds me that I’m not doing this alone – I have help!
Why go through life with a lesser experience than we could have? Becoming (and remaining) a person who thrives is entirely possible – I truly believe that. And that is why striving for thriving has become so important to me. I want this for me – and I want it for you too! I hope this encourages you to make any changes necessary for you to thrive! And I’d love to know if you do!
Photo credit: By Ventz / Canva