Holiday gifts your employees really want
Culture Leadership People Management

Holiday Gifts Your Employees Really Want

It’s that time again! Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner, and I think it’s safe to say we’re all ready to celebrate! (Certainly, we’re still having to make sure to celebrate safely during this pandemic. But there are more possibilities this year than last year!) That means it’s also time to select holiday gifts for your employees.

Between you and me, sometimes holiday gift-giving can be really draining. I can say this because, in HR, we’re often part of the gift-givers. Sometimes, that’s really fun. Other times, it’s a logistical nightmare and people complain so much that it’s not enjoyable. So, let’s find gifts that your employees really want AND that you enjoy giving! It may sound too good to be true. But if we can navigate the uncertainty of a pandemic, we can certainly figure this out!

Plus, I think simplicity is key. I think we’ve made things complicated by becoming too focused on gifts that are elaborate or expensive. Trying to do more and more each year is exhausting. So, let’s get back to the basics. The goal is to do something that helps your employees to feel appreciated and valued. In my opinion, money, time off, and food are great ways to accomplish that!


It’s hard to beat extra money. Gift cards are pretty popular, but I think bonuses are better. Why? Because gift cards usually require a little more work. According to the IRS employee gift rules, gift cards and bonuses are generally taxable. So, you’re probably going to need to deduct taxes regardless. But with gift cards, you’ll be purchasing them, handing them to each of your employees, and then notifying your payroll department, who will then add it to your employees’ taxable income. (Plus, you have to think about where your employees like to shop.)

With bonuses, you have fewer logistics. Simply choose the amount and notify payroll, who will take care of adding it to employee paychecks. You’ll definitely want to notify your employees and express your gratitude, but you can do that however works best – face-to-face, via phone, etc. And they can spend the bonus on whatever they want.

Extra Time Off

Who wouldn’t enjoy another vacation day! Give your employees some extra time off. There are a bunch of ways to do this depending on what works best for your team. If your organization is having financial difficulties, this is a great way to provide a holiday gift without spending money.

You could give your employees an extra day off they can use anytime they want. Just add it to their time off balance, and you’re good to go. (You could also designate it to be used November – January to keep it in the holiday season. But keep in mind this means you’ll need to keep up more with the scheduling and fitting everyone in.)

Another option is to close early on Fridays or something like that during the holiday season. Give your employees some extra time to Christmas shop, spend time with loved ones, or travel. The holidays seem to go by faster every year! Help your employees have more time to enjoy it.


Holiday food is the best. Period. And having it delivered to your door so you can spend more time enjoying the holidays is even better! Work with a local vendor to have a ham or turkey delivered to each employee’s home. Or consider having a meal or some holiday treats delivered. Spoonful of Comfort has a lot of great corporate gift options that could take into account various dietary needs. My husband’s coworkers recently sent us some soup from there, and it was delicious! So, I’ve become a big fan.

If you can’t find a vendor to deliver the food, you could certainly provide a food-related gift certificate. I’ve been a part of giving Honey Baked Ham gift certificates, and most of the employees liked that. I would be sure to have the gift certificates emailed, though, so you don’t have to hand-deliver them. Trust me – that can be a lot of work!

Remember, the goal is to help your employees feel valued. Showing appreciation helps keep morale up and could help you avoid the “Great Resignation” also. Gifts don’t have to be elaborate or expensive to accomplish that. Keep holiday gift-giving fun, simple, and meaningful!

Photo credit: By chas53 / Canva

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