lessons from a toddler how to truly forgive

Lessons from a Toddler: How to Truly Forgive

You try to find ways to explain forgiveness and how to truly forgive someone who’s wronged you. Sometimes, it seems really complicated in our adult world. Then, a toddler comes along and acts it out just perfectly. In our family, when our kids get hurt by something inanimate (they fall down on the driveway or …

best potty training decision

The Best Potty Training Decision We’ve Made

Seriously. If you do nothing else, do this! We are right at a month into potty training our firstborn, and it’s honestly gone really well. I was nervous going into it, but Katherine caught on quickly and has done great. She still has “misses” periodically with it, but that’s totally to be expected. (I’m pretty …

Tips from 48 hours into potty training

Tips from 48 Hours into Potty Training

We’ve taken the leap into the potty training world! The exciting, scary, overwhelming world of potty training. Although we’re potty training our first child, this is our second go-round at it. When Katherine was almost 2, I decided to give it a try. She was showing a lot of interest, and I thought it might …